Erika full circle
I have come full circle this year. As an European-trained dressmaker, industrial patternmaker, clothing designer and manager, my interest in making people feel good about themselves and the confidence in their appearance started early in my life. As Strands opened its doors, I started to take an even keener interest in skincare, beauty products and make-up. Many seminars and training hours later I launched my on makeup line, Erika Heitz. After working as a self-employed designer for a while, and also working in the salon as an assistant and salon coordinator, my knowledge in skincare and beauty was put to the test as I was asked to provide all skin treatment services at Strands on an occasional basis. I discovered that I enjoyed my new responsibilities very much and with the addition of a new, high quality makeup line I am now able to provide a beautiful, healthy look for men and women of all ages. Thanks to all you “arm twisters” – the pain of coming full circle was worth it.
Get Advice and tips from the expert Beauty Therapist Skin Care Make-up
Erika e-mail erika@strandsvancouver.com or call 604-681-3341 toll free 1-866-738-0710